• Trusted

    adjective: trusted
    1. regarded as reliable or truthful.
  • Reliability

    1. the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.
  • Dedication

    1. the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.

McA Inc.

Your Accounting
and Business Partner

The firm, formerly McA Financial Services, grew rapidly in the early 2000's at a time when most of the medium sized accounting firms were being consolidated into larger corporate firms. During these turbulent times, McA maintained their identity as a strong small to medium independent accounting practise. We aligned ourselves with specialist partners to provide a holistic solution to our client’s needs. McA has a proud history in excess of 30 years. 

For all official information and updates regarding COVID-19, visit the South African Department of Health's website at www.sacoronavirus.co.za



Our specialised skills ensure our clients comply with tax legislation, regulations, making a positive impact to their business.

Assurance Services

Let our experts do what they do best by ensuring that the information provided on your financial statements are a true reflection of your business operations.

Business Advisory

We improve your systems in place and enhance your operations by offering hands on and practical advice.

Additional Services

We offer various additional value added services to ensure that your business is always performing at its best.

Every project is a new challenge to produce the best solution.

contact us
  • 0861 835 622

  • info@mca-acc.co.za

  • Unit 6 The Crest Estate,      154 Goedemoed Road, Durbanville, 7550